Personal Development

When defense becomes aggressive – Living on the defensive many times leads us to react as aggressively as do those persons who supposedly defend ourselves. And it is possible that by doing so, we feel justified, either because the other started the argument, or offend us because we are so used to attack us and try to blame us for something we have not done so and simply react to automatic, without awareness of what we do or say to defend. – We should pause to reflect on our defensive behavior in an objective and realistic, to try to discover where it comes from and if with it we can really solve or – We should pause to reflect on our defensive behavior in an objective and realistic to try to discover where it comes from and if with it we can really solve or clarify the conflict we face, because repudiation aggravate our defensive reaction. – While we have an excuse to act like we do not change our behavior and, most serious, we avoid a recurrence. – We are all affected to a greater or lesser extent by some of the experiences we had in our childhood. If you grew up in a home where they seek to blame everything negative that happens, instead of offering solutions to these conflicts to not repeat and we could get something positive from that experience, "surely learned to defend ourselves, and say things like: "I was not," "I did not see" …