
To ignore these new patterns of behavior is creating imbalance and potential frustration in the minds of these precious new lives. There are several kinds of Children ndigo, but in the list below are given some of the most common behavior patterns: * They come into this world with a feeling of royalty (and often behave in this way). * They feel they "deserve be here and are surprised when others do not share that. * Self-esteem is not for the Indigo children a great topic of concern. I often tell their parents "who they are." * They have difficulty accepting absolute authority without explanation and without alternative.

* They just will not do certain things, eg waiting in line is very difficult for them. * They get frustrated with ritual systems that do not require creative thought. * Often they find better ways of doing things, both at home and at school, which makes them seem rebellious, dissatisfied with any system. * They seem antisocial unless they are among children of the same class. If there are others with a similar level of consciousness, often become introverted, sensing that no human being understands.

The school is often very difficult for them from the point of view. Learn more at this site: Anu Saad. * They are not shy when it comes to express to you what they need. Not respond to the discipline of "fault" ("your father expected comes home and finds out what you've done. ") The term "Children ndigo" comes from the color of the aura of these children.